Mommy, can I go out and play? (Finding someone to play with)

Clarinet playing in a room by yourself isn't very satisfying. Here are some ways you can share your music with the world.

Find a Community Band

If you are in North America, try doing a Google search for "New Horizons Band".   New Horizons Music programs provide entry points to music making for adults, including those with no musical experience at all and those who were active in school music programs but have been inactive for a long time.

Find a Summer Music Camp

Often colleges and universities sponsor music camps during the summer. These programs give you a week or so of intensive playing, usually small ensembles as well as concert band or orchestra. Search for  "Music Camp for Adults"

Play-along with a Recording, or Improvise with a Jam Track

There are many sources of playalong recordings.

Volunteer to Entertain at a local Senior Center, Assisted Living Facility, or Nursing Home

"Old folks homes" are always looking for free or low-cost entertainment. The Carl Strommen CDs are great for this, because the music is swing and classic move music. Pack up your computer, get some good loud speakers, and go out and do a good deed. Here is an example that I recorded from one of the Strommen books:

Play Duets with Yourself 

For this you're going to need some software like Garage Band (Mac) or Audacity (cross-platform). The idea is that you record the first part of the duet, then play along with that part to record the second part. How to do that is a subject for a future post, but here's what it might sound like:

Post Recordings on a Facebook Etude of the Week Group

There are at least four of these groups on Facebook:
It takes a bit of courage to post in these -- even the "Amateurs" are fairly polished. But it might be worthwhile to listen and work on some of the material even if you don't post it.
